International Conference on Generalized Functions GF2018

Novi Sad, Serbia, August 27-31st, 2018

Dedicated to Professor Michael Oberguggenberger's 65th birthday

Aims and scope

This conference continues a long-standing tradition of international conferences on generalised functions gathering researchers working in all branches of generalized functions. The most recent conferences were held in Dubrovnik (Croatia, 2016), Southampton (United Kingdom, 2014), Martinique (France, 2011), Vienna (Austria, 2009), Bedlewo (Poland, 2007), Novi Sad (Serbia, 2004), Guadeloupe (France, 2000), Novi Sad (former Serbia and Montenegro, 1996), Oberwolchfach (Germany, 1989), Dubrovnik (former Yugoslavia, 1987). Topics include, but are not limited to:
  1. Distribution theory, hyperfunctions, algebras of generalised functions, integral transforms
  2. Linear and nonlinear partial differential equations, regularity, stochastic analysis
  3. Pseudodifferential operators and microlocal analysis, function spaces
  4. Applications in mathematical physics, and other sciences
  5. Geometric problems and nonlinear distributional geometry
  6. Harmonic analysis, modulation spaces, time-frequency analysis

Plenary speakers

  1. Nenad Antonić (University of Zagreb)
  2. Sandro Coriasco (Università di Torino)
  3. Hans Feichtinger (Universität Wien)
  4. Günther Hörmann (Universität Wien)
  5. Tokio Matsuyama (Chuo University, Tokio)
  6. Marko Nedeljkov (University of Novi Sad)
  7. Bojan Prangoski (University of Skopje)
  8. Michael Reissig (Technische Universität, Bergakademie Freiberg)
  9. Michael Ruzhansky (Imperial College London)
  10. Joachim Toft (Linnaeus University)
  11. Jasson Vindas (Ghent University)
  12. Yaguang Wang (Shanghai Jiaotong University)

Organized by

Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad

Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi Sad branch


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