Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Informatics

Department of Mathematics and Informatics was established in 1954. Since then, represents one of the leading teaching and research institutions in the field of mathematics and computer science that develops into a modern, European Department, recognized for its educational and scientific achievements of teachers, graduate students, PhD students. The teaching process is conducted through 9 accredited study programs at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies. Scientific-research process is conducted through a series of national and international projects in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematics education and computer science.

Here are some useful links about us:
Official website of Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Official website of the Faculty of Sciences
Official website of the University of Novi Sad


Map of Novi Sad with hotels and Conference bulding

We offer several hotels (prices are per person and include taxes)

  1. Hotel Putnik http://www.hotelputnik.rs/
    • single room, - 38.- euro
    • double room - 28.- euro per person
  2. Hotel Vigor http://www.hotelvigor.com/
    • single room, - 30.- euro
    • double room - 23.- euro, per person
  3. Planeta Inn http://www.planetainn.com/
    • single room - 41.- euro
    • double room 26.- euro, per person


Transfer from the airport Nikola Tesla (Belgrade) to hotel in Novi Sad: 20 Euros one way per person.

Booking: djtak@dmi.uns.ac.rs
You can contact the organizers of CADGME 2012 via following e-mail address: djtak@dmi.uns.ac.rs