Publication, proceedings
The abstracts of contributed talks and posters will be published on the conference proceedings website. The length is maximum 300 words. The format will be available on the conference web page.
Refereed Papers
Papers can be sent for publication to the scientific committee.
We are in discussion with several journals that might publish a special issue with papers presented at CADGME-2012.
Papers are to be submitted by 15 September 2012. Some papers from the previous conferences can be found in the following journals:
Volume 5 Issue 2,
Volume 6 Issue 1
Volume 6 Issue 2,
Volume 7 Issue 1,
Volume 17 Nr 3,
Volume 17 Nr 4,
Acta Didactica Napocensia, Volume 3, Number 2
eJMT, Volume 5
How to submit?
Submission is handled via the
EasyChair system.