NSJOM Vol 18. No. 1
Authors Title Pages
Herceg Dragoslav
Cvetković Ljiljana
Petrović Nenad
 On an iterativemethod for solving ceratin nonlinear systems 1-9
Cvetković Ljiljana
Herceg Dragoslav
 On the method of averaging functional corections applied to linear systems 11-16
Vulanović Relja A second order uniform numerical method for a turning point problem 17-30
Яанез Ушан  О одном классе <Nn,E>-сетях с <n+1>-растоянием 31-43
Яанез Ушан  At-3-групоиды 45-55
Petrić Milenko On some operations on normal digraphs 57-67
Acketa Dragan M. All interval greedoids on at most 5 elements 69-76
Acketa Dragan M. On electrical self-duality of "small" self-dual matroids 77-92
Acketa Dragan M. A constructions of all non-isomorphic greedoids on at most 5 elements 93-99
Pap Endre Nikodym type theorem for metric valued x0-exhaustive set functions  101-109

Pap Endre

 On approximately and bounded homomorphisms on uniform commutative semigroups 111-118
Pap Endre Bijective maps which are close to partial isometries 119-127
Cho Y. J.
Khan M. S.
Siengh S. L.
 Common fixed points of Weakly commuting mappings 129-142
Nikodim Kazimierz  Additive selections of additive set-valued functions 143-148
Popa Valeriu A coincidence theorem for multifunctions 149-156

Stojaković Zoran

On some classes of permutable n-groupoids and n-quasigroups  157-162

Stojaković Zoran

Cyclic vector valued groupoids

Stanković Bogoljub The asymptotic of elements belonging to vLp and v'Lp 169-175


NSJOM Vol 18. No. 2
Authors Title Pages
Hébert Michel Sur l' existence des algèbres libres pour les théories négatives 1-23
Ivković Zoran A. A non-linear order of the Markov process  25-30
Nikolić-Despotović Danica
Pilipović Stevan
The quasiasymptotic expansion of tempered distributions and the Stieltjes transform 31-44
Nikolić-Despotović Danica
Kiryakova Virginia
 45-Abelian theorems for the Obrechkoff integral transform 45-60
Acketa Dragan M. A classification of interval greedoids on at most 5 elements 61-80
Acketa Dragan M. Some achievement and avoidance games on partitional matroids 81-88
Stanković Bogoljub Abelian theorems for the Stieltjes – Hilbert transform of distributions 89-101
Stojaković Mila Some new types of contractions in Menger spaces 103-109
Achache Achille
Sangalli Arturo A. L.
L'endofoncteur "extension" associé à un espace de fermeture 111-116 
Ушан Яанез Нейтральные операции n-группоидов 117-126
Stojmenović Ivan Computational geometry on a Mesh-connected computer 127-136

Stojaković Zoran

On cyclic (2,m)-groupoids


Hadžić Olga  Common fixed point theorems for single-valued and multivalued mappings 145-151
Hadžić Olga  A fixed point theorem in a class of random paranormed spaces 153-163
Hadžić Olga Common fixed point theorems in probablistic metric spaces with a convex structure  165-178
Pilipović Stevan  On the S-asymptotic of tempered and K1'-distributions. Part III, structural theorems 179-189
Pilipović Stevan  On the S-asymptotic of tempered and K1'-distributions. Part IV. S-asymptotic and the ordinary asymptotic 191-195

Pilipović Stevan

Remarks, on the distributional stieltjes transformation and the S-asymptotic  197-203
Šešelja Branimir
Vojvodić Gradimir

Weak congruences of a lattice
