NSJOM Vol 19. No. 1
Authors Title Pages
Surla Katarina
Jerković V.
 An exponentially fitted quadratic spline difference scheme on a non-uniform mesh 1-10
Vulanović Relja On numerical solution of a turning point problem 11-24
Vulanović R.
Herceg D.
Petrović N.
A numerical solution of the singular perturbation problem aristing from a Weakly coupled system 25-32
Čomić Irena Affine connections in the Finsler space 33-50
Roos Hans-Görg A uniformly convergent discretization method for a singularly perturbed boundary value problem of the fourther order 51-64
Stanković Bogoljub  S-asymptotic of solutions of the elliptic partial differential equation 65-72
Stanković Bogoljub  De Haan's class of distributions I 73-85
Adamović Dušan  A remark concerning slowly varying functions in Karamat's sense 87-95
Skendžić Marija The normal convergence of the power series in the n-dimensional Mikusinski differntiation operator 97-107
Kovačević Ilija A note on α-regularity and compactness 109-117
Kovačević Ilija Some properties of subsets and almost closed mappings 119-128
Gajić Ljiljana Fixed point theorems in Takahashi convex metric spaces 129-142
Pap Endre The space of the generalized Dirichlet series of several complex variables on a  polydisc 143-158
Fisher Brian On two definitions of the non-commutative convolution product of distributions 159-165
Vojvodić Gradimir
Šešelja Branimir
The diagonal in the lattice of weak congruences and the representation of lattices 167-178
Ушан Яанез  n-квазигруппы Бола 185-205
Ушан Яанез О двух классах алгебр близких группам 187-237


NSJOM Vol 19. No. 2
Authors Title Pages
Atanasiu Gheorghe
Klepp C. Francisc
p(3,-1) – Finsler structures and their lifts 1-20
Prvanović, Mileva Some theorems on conformally quasi-recurrent manifolds 21-31
Pušić Nevena A note about a covariant derivative of a harmonic vector field in a Riemannian manifold 33 40
Pušić Nevena, On the existence of a self-recurent SW-On 41-52
Tošić Ratko
Bošnjak Ivica
Counting generation and recognition of S-sequences 53-60
Petrović Vojislav On unavoidable subgraphs of strong tournaments 61-66
Šešelja Branimir The fuzzy of algebras 67-74
Šešelja Branimir
Vojvodić Gradimir
CEP and homomorphic images of algebras 75-80
Gilezan Kariolan
Udicki Miloš
 Generalized pseudo-boolean functional equations of the third order 81-91
Ušan Janez
Tepavčević Andreja
On a class of bisemilattices 93-104
Ушан Яанез  n-Решетки 105-118
Ушан Яанез  О n–квазигруппах Бола 119-124
Ушан Яанез Нейтральные операции (n,m)- группоидов 125-137
Surla Katarina A quadratic spline difference scheme for a self-adjoint boundarz value problem 139-147
Surla Katarina
Jerković V
Spline difference scheme on a non-uniform mesh 149-160
Vulanović Relja Mesh generation methods for numerical solution of quasilinear singular perturbation problems 171-193
Ivković, Zoran A., Example of a continuous non-Markovian process x(t)+φ(t)W2(t) of multiplicity two 195-201
Lozanov-Crvenković Zagorka
Pilipović Stevan
A class of generalized random processes with values in L2(Ω) 203-217
Crvenković Zagorka  Convergence of a sequence of generalized random processes on the Zemanin space A 219-232
Hadžić Olga On coincidence points in convex metric spaces 233-240